TM 9-2350-238-10OPERATION IN UNUSUAL WEATHER–CONTINUEDEXTREMELY COLD WEATHER – CONTINUEDi.Perform instrument panel checkoutduring warmup. Refer to page 2-54.j. Shift transmission to 1st gear anddrive vehicle slowly for 100 yards(91.44 meters). This will warmlubricants for normal operation.2 If tracks are frozen to ground, chipheavy ice free from around tracks priorto attempting to move vehicle.3 Watch temperature and pressure gaugesto make sure engine and transmissionare not running too hot or too cold andthat oil pressure is not abnormally highor low. If temperature and pressurereadings are consistently abnormal, stopvehicle and investigate cause.4 Cover machine gun and mount to pre-vent entrance of snow and moisture.5 Keep all doors and cupola covers closedand locked when not in use to prevententrance of snow and moisture.NOTEWarm hydraulic oil beforeoperating hydraulic componentsin cold weather; engagehydraulic system for 5-10minutes when temperature is32°F (0°C) or below.6 If winterization kit is installed, operatehydraulic oil immersion heater to warmhydraulic oil before engaging hydraulicpump magnetic clutch.7 Operate crane controls slowly to avoidbreaking parts which may have becomefrozen.8910111213Park vehicle in a sheltered spot out ofwind. If shelter is not available, parkwith left side of vehicle facing into windto prevent snow and sleet from enteringthrough exhaust ports. When vehicle isto be parked for a long period, be sure topark on solid ground, on planks, or onbrush to avoid having tracks freeze toground.Place control levers in neutral positionwhen not in use to prevent them fro-mfreezing in an engaged position.Clean vehicle of snow, ice, and mud assoon as possible after operation. Ifwinterization kit is not installed, be sureto protect all parts of engine compart-ment against entrance of snow or sleet.Wrap tarpaulins around rear portion ofboom. Cover and shield vehicle, but keepends of tarpaulins off ground to preventthem from freezing to ground.If vehicle is not equipped with enginecoolant heater, have unit maintenancepersonnel remove batteries and store in awarm place.If vehicle is equipped with engine coolantheater, start heater and check that it isoperating properly immediately afterstopping engine. This heater is designedto operate unattended during overnightstops. Watch battery charge. Do notoperate coolant heater more than 12hours without running engine to rechargebatteries.NOTERefer to chapter 5 for operationand maintenance of winteriza-tion kit components.In addition to normal PMCS, special carein cleaning and lubricating must be takenwhen extreme cold weather is present oranticipated. Refer to page 3-59 for in-structions on winterizing and coldweather maintenance.2-112
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