1234Do not attempt to drain coolantfrom a hot engine.Allow engine to completely cool.Open radiator cap covers and, using arag (item 36, appx D), slowly removeradiator caps from both radiators.Remove radiator access plates (1). At-tach short length of rubber hose to eachradiator draincock to route antifreeze toclean bucket placed underneath. Opendraincocks (2) in bottom of bothradiators.Open two draincocks (3) at accessoryend of engine.TM 9-2350-238-10ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM– CONTINUEDADDING COOLANT–CONTINUED3 Replace radiator caps and make surecovers are closed.4 Run engine for at least 5 minutes andthen check coolant level. Level should beapproximately 1/2 in. (1.3 cm) belowbase of fill neck.5 If engine overheats and/or there is an ex-cessive loss of coolant, surge tankpressure cap may be defective. Notifyunit maintenance personnel.DRAINING COOLANT3-30
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