TM 9-2350-238-10FUEL SYSTEM–CONTINUEDREFUELING1 Open access door and remove fuel cap.Fill only to 6 in. (15.2 cm) below top.Use the following grades of fuelat the indicated temperatures:Winter Grade (DF-1 )–25°to 30°F( – 3 2 ° t o – 1 ° C )Arctic Grade (DF-A)- 2 5 ° t o - 6 5 ° F( – 3 2 ° t o - 5 4 ° C )FUEL FILLER SCREEN2 Fill with proper grade of fuel and replacefuel cap.1 Open fuel fill cover (1) and remove fuelcell cap (2) and retaining ring (3).2 Remove six screws (4) and Iockwashers(5).3 Remove bayonet ring (6), gasket (7), andwasher (8). Lift filter (9) and secondgasket (7) from fuel filler opening.Dry cleaning solvent (SD-2) istoxic and flammable. Wear pro-tective goggles (item 18, appxD) and gloves (item 17, appx D)5and use only in a well ventilatedarea. Avoid contact with skin,eyes, and clothes and don’tbreathe vapors. Do not use nearopen flame or excessive heat.The flash point is 100°F -138°F (38°C - 59°C). If youbecome dizzy while using sol-vent, get fresh air immediatelyand get medical aid. If contactwith eyes is made, wash youreyes with water and getmedical aid immediately.Clean filter (9) with dry cleaning solvent(SD-2) (item 15, appx D) and dry withlow pressure air.Make sure surface around fuel filleropening is clean and install clean filter byreversing above steps.3-33
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