TM 9-2350-238-10BATTERIES – CONTINUEDCORROSIONBattery corrosion is an acid andwill eat holes in your clothing.Wash any corrosion off yourskin immediately.Make sure battery caps aretight and no cracks are visiblein battery case, so no alkalinesolution (acid neutralizer)reaches electrolyte.Corrosion is greenish “fuzz” that builds up onbattery posts, terminals, and cables. This cor-rosion not only can prevent starting, but willalso eat up cables and connectors, If cor-roded, notify unit maintenance personnel.DEEP CYCLINGDeep-cycling is a complete discharge of bat-teries. This will lessen battery life and infreezing weather will burst battery case.Avoid running battery down.BATTERIES IN USEMake sure unit maintenance personnel checkspecific gravity of each battery cell weeklywhen vehicle is in use.BATTERIES NOT IN USEMake sure unit maintenance personnel checkspecific gravity once a month when vehicle isnot in use. Charge batteries when specificgravity drops below 1.225.UNSERVICEABLE BATTERIESIf batteries fail to respond, notify unitmaintenance personnel.LAMP REPLACEMENTPages 3-36 thru 3-41 provide lamp replace-ment instructions to be performed byoperator. If lamp replacement does notremedy malfunction, notify unit maintenancepersonnel. Make sure lamps are replaced withlamps of same identification number.HEADLAMPS3-36
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