TM 9-2350-238-10LAMP REPLACEMENT–CONTINUEDPANEL LIGHT–CONTINUED3 To remove lamp (3), depress and turncounterclockwise. Apply a light coat ofsilicone compound (item 38, appx D) tosocket before installing new lamp (3). in-stall new lamp (3) (item 29, appx D),depress and turn clockwise to secure,4 Reinstall gasket (2) and screw panel lightlens (1) on securely.SUSPENSION LOCKED INDICATOR LIGHT1 Unscrew suspension locked indicatorlight lens (1). Remove lens (1) andgasket (2).2 Check for cracked, damaged, or torn lens(1) and gasket (2). If condition exists,notify unit maintenance personnel.3 To remove LED (3), depress and turncounterclockwise. Apply a light coat ofsilicone compound (item 38, appx D) tosocket before installing new LED (3). in-stall new LED (3) (item 29, appx D),depress and turn clockwise to secure.4 Reinstall gasket (2) and screw lens (1)on securely.HIGH BEAM INDICATOR LIGHT ANDMASTER SWITCH INDICATOR LIGHT1 Unscrew lens (1) and remove LED (2).2 Check for cracked or damaged lens (1).If condition exists, notify unit mainte-nance personnel.3 Apply a light coat of silicone compound(item 38, appx D) to socket before in-stalling new LED (2). Install new LED (2)(item 28, appx D).4 Screw lens (1) on securely.3-39
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