TM 9-2350-238-10LAMP REPLACEMENT– CONTINUEDENGINE-TRANSMISSION LOW OIL WARNINGINDICATOR LIGHT AND GENERATORCHARGE INDICATOR LIGHT1234Unscrew indicator light lens (1). Removelens (1) and gasket (2).Check for cracked, damaged, or torn in-dicator light lens (1) and gasket (2). Ifcondition exists, notify unit maintenancepersonnel.To remove LED (3), depress and turncounterclockwise. Apply a light coat ofsilicone compound (item 38, appx D) tosocket before installing new LED (3). in-stall new LED (3) (item 29, appx D),depress and turn clockwise to secure.Reinstall gasket (2) and screw indicatorlight lens ( 1 ) on securely.FILTER BYPASS LIGHT1234Unscrew filter bypass light lens (1).Remove bypass light lens ( 1 ) and gasket(2).Check for cracked, damaged, or torn lens(1) and gasket (2). If condition exists,notify unit maintenance personnel.To remove LED (3), depress and turncounterclockwise. Apply a light coat ofsilicone compound (item 38, appx D) tosocket before installing new LED (3). in-stall new LED (item 29, appx D), depressand turn clockwise to secure.Reinstall gasket (2) and screw bypasslight lens (1 ) on securely.3-40
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business