TM 9-2350-238-10AIR FILTERS– CONTINUEDINSTALLATION–CONTINUEDDo not tear bag while installingfilter spacers.2 Install 10 filter spacers (2) in filter bagpockets. Make sure spacers are fully andevenly inserted.3 Position air filter basket and filter bag (3)in hull compartment with basket stops(4) on top and slide basket past stops inhull recess.4 Push filter basket against hull and securewith lock lever (5). Close air filter accessdoor (6).TRACKTRACK TENSION CHECKNOTE1 Center boom forward over vehicle andsecure boom block.Track tension should be ad-justed before maximum allow-2 Move vehicle slowly backward or for-able track sag is reached.ward over hard level ground; allow vehi-cle to coast to a stop without applying4 Place a straightedge or stretch stringbrake. Shift transmission into neutral.over a distance of 11 unsupported trackshoe pins. Measure track sag midway3 Place hydraulic jack handle betweenbetween 10 unsupported track shoes astrack and second road wheel. If trackshown below. If track sag does not falltouches first road wheel, adjust trackwithin normal limits (3/8 to 1-1 /8 in. )tension.(1.0 cm to 2.9 cm) adjust track tension.3-45
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