TM 9-2350-238-10TRACK–CONTINUEDINSTALLING TRACK1 Lay track out in front of vehicle in a6 Using drive sprocket, bring both ends ofstraight line, directly ahead of andtrack together.touching first road wheel. Position trackon ground with shoe grousers facingforward.2 Start engine and drive slowly onto trackto a point where 11 track shoes extendpast centerline of trailing idler wheel.3 Stop engine; leave parking brake off.4 Place drift pin in track shoe hole on lastshoe at rear of vehicle. Lift end of trackover trailing idler wheel,5 Start engine and move vehicle forwardslowly allowing track to rest on roadwheels, lifting up on end of track preven-ting end from getting caught betweenroad wheels. When track reaches drivesprocket, pry or lift track over sprocket.7 Install two track connecting fixturesacross track shoes to be connected andtighten equally until holes in ends oftrack are aligned. Connect shoes withtrack shoe track pin and install self-Iocking nut.8 Tighten two nuts on track shoe trackpin. Remove track connecting fixtures,As soon as possible, have unitmaintenance personnel torque nuts to160-200 ft-lb (216-270 N-m).9 Increase track tension. Refer to page3-47.3-50
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