TM 9-2350-238-10LEVEL WIND ADJUSTMENT12345Pay out 50 to 100 feet (15 to 30 m) oftow winch wire rope and attach it to anobject to be recovered. Install wire ropein snatch block and level wind slide.Refer to page 2-80.Tighten wire rope and turn cab until towwinch drum is at a right angle to wirerope.Do not touch level windassembly unless level windswitch is turned off. Unex-pected traversing of cab andboom may injure personnel anddamage equipment.Remove three screws (1), washers (2),and remove cover (3) from level windassembly.Loosen three nuts (4) securing bracket(5) to base. Rotate bracket so lever (6) iscentered in bracket.Loosen switch nuts (7). Screw in swit-ches (8) to contact lever and thenunscrew one-half turn. Secure switches(8) and bracket (5) with nuts (4 and 7).6 Turn level wind switch ON and reel intow winch wire rope and pull in object tobe recovered.Do not rotate bracket so far asto prevent proper switchactuation.7 If loose wrap is obtained on first layer ofwire rope, turn off level wind switch,loosen nuts (4) securing bracket (5) androtate bracket approximately one degreecounterclockwise. If wire rope has atendency to overwrap or is subject tosevere scrubbing on first layer, loosennuts (4) securing bracket (5) and rotatebracket approximately one degreeclockwise. Secure bracket (5) and read-just switches (8).8 Continue normal level wind operation.Repeat step 7 if necessary.9 When correct adjustment is obtained,replace level wind cover (3) and securewith three screws (1) and washers {2).3-51
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