TM 9-2350-238-10EXTREME HOT WEATHER MAINTE-N A N C Ea. General. Maintenance of vehicle underextreme hot weather conditions requires morefrequent checks and services. Lubricants andcoolant evaporate, fungus and rust formrapidly, and straps and canvas material mayrot from mildew, mold, or fungus.b. Cooling System Maintenance.(1) Check coolant level frequently andkeep system filled to within 1 in. (2.5 cm)below base of fill neck. Avoid use of waterthat contains alkali. Use soft water wheneverpossible.(2) Deleted.(3) Thoroughly clean and flush coolingsystem at frequent intervals. Refer to page3-30. Clean outside of radiators of any ac-cumulated dirt, grease, and debris.(4) Check and adjust fan belt tension atfrequent intervals. Refer to page 3-31.c. Battery Maintenance.(1) Check level of battery acid in cellsdaily. Electrolyte level must not drop belowtop of battery plates. Have unit maintenancepersonnel add distilled or rain water ifnecessary.Do not store acid type storage batteries nearstacks of tires. Fumes from batteries have aharmful effect on rubber.(2) Have unit maintenance personnelremove batteries and store them in a coolplace if vehicle is to be parked for severaldays. A battery will self-discharge at a greaterrate if left standing for long periodstemperatures.d. Hull and Cab Maintenance.NOTEat highIn extreme hot, humid weather,corrosive action will show inform of rust and paint blisterson metal and mildew, mold, orfungus growth on wood, fabric,leather, and glass.(1) Make frequent inspections of inac-tive vehicles.(2) Remove rust, paint blisters, mildew,mold, or fungus from components.(3) Apply protective coat of rust preven-tive paint on painted surfaces or film ofpreservative lubricating oil (item 3, appx D) tounpainted surfaces.(4) Coat battery cables and terminalswith a light coat of grease (GAA) (item 19,appx D).e. Armament Maintenance.(1) Inspect parts frequently for con-densed moisture or corrosion.(2) Thoroughly dry all exposed un-painted surfaces and lubricate (appx G.AFTER FORDING MAINTENANCEThe following maintenance should be done atonce on all vehicles that have been exposedto some depth of water or completelysubmerged, especially in salt water.3-56Change 3
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