TM 9-2350-238-10GENERAL–CONTINUED(3) Fording.a.Do . . . . . . . . .Make sure all hulldrains (3 places) are closed andall hull covers and access platesare securely in place. Installpower plant reservoir drain plugin bottom of access plate, ifremoved.b. Do . . . . . . Make sure basic issueEXTREME COLD WEATHER MAINTENANCEa. General. In extreme cold weather,special purpose kits (Chapter 5) should be in-stalled and operated. Maintenance in extremecold is difficult in the field. Cold increasesmaintenance time. At temperatures below–40°F (–40°C), maintenance requires up tofive times the normal amount of time. Barehands stick to cold metal. Fuel in contactwith hands results in super-cooling due toevaporation and hands can become frostbit-ten. Engine oils, except subzero grade, cannotbe poured at temperatures below -40°F( - . 4 0 ° c ).b. Fuel System Maintenance. When condi-tions indicate that temperatures are going tobe below –25°F (–32°C), drain, purge, andfill fuel cell and fuel lines with arctic fuel.NOTEDraining fuel system must becoordinated with unitmaintenance personnel.(1) Remove fuel fill cap (1).(2) Place suitable container under vehi-cle. Fuel cell contains 260 gal. (984 l).items are properly stowed andsecured.c.Do . . . . . . Open hull drain valvesand drain accumulated waterafter crossing is completed.d. Do . . . . . . Check engine oil leveland crankcase for evidence ofwater as soon as possible aftercrossing.NOTERegular grade fuel, DF-2 (NATOF-54), will thicken or partiallysolidify at extreme cold temper-atures. The entire vehicle mustbe placed under cover andwarmed until fuel returns to a li-quid state.(3) Remove fuel cell drain plugs frombottom of hull and drain fuel.(4) When fuel cell is drained, installdrain plugs and tighten securely.3 - 54
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