TM 9-2350-238-10UNUSUAL TERRAIN MAINTENANCE–CONTINUEDb. Sand and Dust.(1) Thoroughly clean and dry vehicle, in-cluding power plant compartment.(2) Lubricate vehicle as prescribed in ap-pendix G. Be sure to force out any dirtylubricant.(3) Check for chipped paint. Have unitmaintenance personnel prime and paint anyarea where paint is etched or chipped.(4) Cover entire vehicle with tarpaulin, ifpossible. If entire vehicle cannot be covered,protect periscopes against etching by wind-blown sand. Also, protect engine compart-ment against entry of sand and dust.(5) Clean tow winch and boom winchwire ropes. Do not coat rope with lubricant.Lubricants mixed with sand create anabrasive paste that is more damaging to wirerope than the lack of lubricant.(6) Disassemble and clean machine gunat least once each day. Remove lubricants onexposed and noncritical operating surfaces ofmachine gun and mount. This will preventwindblown sand and dust from sticking to oiland forming an abrasive. Clean and lubricatemachine gun and mount with CLP lubricant(item 3, appx D) immediately upon leavingsandy terrain.(7) Clean air filter bags daily whenoperating in sand or dust. Extreme conditionsmay require cleaning filter bags more thanonce a day. When air filter baskets areremoved, inspect air separators for clogging.If clogged, notify unit maintenance personnel.(8) Clean power plant reservoir drain inbottom of hull. If drain becomes plugged,pressure may build up in transmission andcause violent eruption of oil when transmis-sion oil level dipstick is removed.3-58Change 3
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