TM 9-2350-238-10TRACK–CONTINUEDINCREASING TRACK TENSION1234WHEEL REMOVED FOR CLARITYDrive vehicle onto hard level ground,NOTEDrive vehicle slowly forward until holel If proper tension has notthrough hub flange of trailing idler wheelis alined with hole in eccentric shaftspindle. Insert 10 in. (25.4 cm) of bar(1) (item 5, appx B) through hub flangeand into spindle.Loosen self-locking nut on eccentric spin-dle screw, using socket wrench (item82, appx B). Nuts are torqued to 600 ±25 ft-lb (810 ± 34 N-m) (oiled threadsand washer). Drive wedge (item 71,appx B) into joint to relieve tension oneccentric spindle.Bar must not travel belowcenterline of trailing idler arm,Ensure spindle arm clearance iscorrect. Refer to page 3-48.Shift transmission into 3 (third gear) andhold engine speed at 900 rpm. Drive ve-hicle slowly forward to increase tracktension.been achieved by the timesteel bar reaches centerlineof trailing idler arm, removeone track shoe. Reassembletrack and adjust track to pro-per tension.l Make sure that track doesnot bunch up between roadwheels during track tension-ing.l Lubricate screws and nutswith engine oil (OE) (item 33,appx D) before installing.5 Remove wedge from spindle. Tighten ec-centric spindle screws and nuts as tightas possible using socket wrench. Assoon as possible have unit maintenancepersonnel check and torque spindle nutsto 600 ± 25 ft-lb (810 ± 34 N-m) (oil-ed threads and washer).Change 13-47
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