TM 9-2350-256-20-2
0438 00
Remove APU generator switch (23) and three switches (25) by removing eight screws (33), eight lockwashers (34), and
two switch guards (35).
10. Remove oil pressure indicator (21) by removing two nuts (36), two lockwashers (37), and bracket (38).
11. Remove two indicator lights (19) by removing lens (39), gasket (40), two screws (41), and two lockwashers (42) from each.
Remove ID plate (43) only if required.
12. Remove control box ID plate (43) by removing four drivescrews (44).
13. Disassemble three lead assemblies (28) and APU control box wiring harness (29) (see WP 0255 thru 0264 00, as necessary).
0438 00-4