SECTION V: TROUBLESHOOTINGTM 9-2350-256-20CDEFGAttempt operation of the hoisting boom, hoistwinch, and spade. If the hoisting boom, hoist winch,and spade do not operate, troubleshoot mainhydraulic system and/or auxiliary hydraulic system.If the hoisting boom, hoist winch, and spade operatego to step B.Visually inspect for signs of main winch mechanicalfailure. If signs of mechanical failure exist, notifyDirect Support Maintenance.If no signs ofmechanical failure exist, go to step C.Do not attempt to loosen or tightenhydraulic fittings or lines when system ispressurized. Severe injury or death topersonnel may result.Inspect for anydamaged or restricted hoses.Replace hoses as necessary (see paragraph 11-14). Ifno damaged or restricted hoses exist, go to step D.Test for hydraulic motor failure. Remove hose No.47 from rear of hydraulic motor (see paragraph12-1). A large volume of oil discharged from portwhen main winch control valve is engaged indicatesa faulty motor. If a faulty hydraulic motor exists,notify Direct Support Maintenance.If hydraulicmotor is not faulty, go to step E.Inspect manual control and linkage (see paragraph11-4) for disconnected, damaged, or missing parts.Connect linkage and replace or repair missing ordamaged parts (see paragraph 11-3). If main winchcable is not damaged and is properly attached todrum, go to step F.Ensure main winch cable is not damaged and isproperly attached to drum. Replace main winchcable if required (see paragraph 11-5). If main winchcable is not damaged and is properly attached todrum, go to step G.Do not attempt to loosen or tightenhydraulic fittings or lines when system ispressurized. Severe injury or death topersonnel may result.Inspect hydraulic lines and fittings for leaks.Replace leaking hydraulic lines and tighten leakingconnections (see paragraph 12-1). If leaks persist,2-41
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