TM 9-2350-256-20CHAPTER 2: VEHICLE MAINTENANCE lNSTRUCTlONS2 - 1 6 . 1 M E C H A N I C A L T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G - C o n t i n u e dD R I V E R ’ S C O N T R O L SSYMPTOMSVehicle will not steer in either direction.Do step A.Engine does not respond properly to throttlecontrols.Do step E.Vehicle will steer in only one direction.Do step A.Depressing brake pedal will not stop vehicleeffectively.Do step B.No back pressure, or insufficient pressure, whenoperating purge pump.Do steps F through I.Excessive back pressure when operating purgePump.Brakes dragging at one or both sides of vehicle.Do steps C and D.Do steps J through M.NOTECheck vehicle maintenance record forproper lubrication of steering, brake, andthrottle linkages. If proper lubricationmaintenance has been performed (refer toTM 9-2350-256-10), perform the followingprocedures.A Open left rear exhaust deflector door andtransmission access door. While an assistant movessteering wheel from full-right to full-left turn,observe movement of transmission steer lever onsteer valve body of transmission. If transmissionsteer arm does not move, check linkage andrepair/replace broken or missing parts. Iftransmission steer linkage does not move, checksteer linkage adjustment (see paragraph 9-73). If allmechanical linkages are properly adjusted and movefreely, notify Direct Support Maintenance.B Open rear exhaust deflector grille doors andtransmission access doors. Observe brakeadjustment gage and alignment mark on brake rod(see paragraph 9-80). If brake adjustment gage andalignment mark on brake rod do not line up, adjustbrake. Check adjustment on brake air valve linkage(see paragraph 7-1) and adjust if required.C Open rear exhaust deflector grille doors andtransmission access doors. With brakes released,check to see that each brake-supply-and-slack-adjustment lever (right and left) is touching therespective stops. If brake-apply-and-slack-adjustment levers do not touch their respectivestops, adjust brake linkage (see paragraph 9-80).2-40.12 Change 1
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