SECTlON V: TROUBLESHOOTlNG TM 9-2350-256-20D Open grille doors. Have assistant apply brakes.Check that black mark on brake rod is in alinementwith brake adjustment gage. Adjust brakes iirequired (see paragraph 7-l).E Attempt to lift each roadwheel of vehicle with acrowbar. If wheel can be lifted, torsion bar is broken.Replace broken torsion bar (see paragraph 8-2).Care should be taken when feeling wheelhubs, they can be hot enough to bum.F Immediately after vehicle operation, feel allroadwheel hubs for noticeable temperaturedifference. An overheated hub indicates anunadjusted, inadequately lubricated, or damagedbearing. Replace defective roadwheel bearings (seeparagraph 8-4).Care should be taken when feeling shocks,they can be hot enough to bum.G Immediately after vehicle operation, feel all shockabsorbers. If heat is not felt, shock absorber ismalfunctioning. Replace shock absorber (seeparagraph 8-12).H Inspect track shoes for serviceability (refer to TM 9-2350-200-24). Replace unserviceable track shoes(refer to TM 9-2350-256-10).I Inspect roadwheels and track support rollers forserviceability (refer to TM 9-2350-200-2-2). Replaceunserviceable roadwheels (see paragraph 8-1) andsupport rollers (see paragraphs 8-6 and 8-7).M E C H A N I C A L T R A N S M I S S I O NSYMPTOMMechanical transmission fails to operate, slips, or chatters.Do steps A through D.A Remove front air inlet grilles (see paragraph 9-57).Inspect power takeoff coupling to see that driveshaft is firmly attached to power takeoff coupling.Tighten bolts and/or replace missing bolts andlockwashers.Change 1 2-40.15
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