TM 9-2350-256-20 CHAPTER 2: VEHICLE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS2 - 1 6 . 1 M E C H A N I C A L T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G - C o n t i n u e dO I L C O O L I N G S Y S T E M - C o n t i n u e dB Check main engine crank case for proper oil level.Refer to TM 9-2350-256-10 instructions on checkingengine oil level. Check that oil is not diluted. Dramand refill if oil is diluted (refer to TM 9-2350-256-10).C Remove left- and center-front air inlet grilles (seeparagraph 9-57) and open side air inlet grille doors.Inspect oil lines for evidence of leaking. Tighten orreplace any lines or connections that are leaking.Check oil drain valve plug (see paragraph 3-6). Ifvalve plug is loose, tighten plug and recheck oilpressure. If oil pressure is low, go to step D. If oilpressure is high, go to step E.CAUTIONBe sure to use the proper pressure gage forthe pressure range to be tested.D Remove left- and center-front air inlet grilles (seeparagraph 9-57) if they have not already beenremoved. Remove main engine oil pressure switch(see paragraph 6-22) and install pressure gage(Appendix B, item 153). If pressure gage reads 40-70psi (276-483 kPa) at 2400 rpm and ENGINE OILPRESSURE gage reads lower, troubleshoot ENGINEOIL PRESSURE gage circuit (see paragraph 2-19). Ifpressure gage reads less than 40 psi (276 kPa) at 2400rpm, notify Direct Support Maintenance.E Remove left- and center-front air inlet grilles (seeparagraph 9-57). Remove main engine oil pressureswitch (see paragraph 6-22) and install pressure gage(Appendix B, item 153). If pressure gage reads 40-70psi (276-483 kPa) at 2400 rpm and ENGINE OILPRESSURE gage reads higher, troubleshootENGINE OIL PRESSURE gage circuit (see paragraph2-19). If pressure gage reads higher than 70 psi (483kPa), notify Direct Support Maintenance.F While an assistant operates vehicle, look at engineexhaust. If there is excessive exhaust smoke fromone or both banks of cylinders or exhaust is oily,remove crankcase breather tube (see paragraph 3-10). Check to see if engine breather tube is clogged.Service or replace clogged breather tube. If there isno evidence of excessive exhaust smoke and exhaustis not oily, remove left- and center-front air inlet2-40.8 Change 1
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