TM 9-2350-256-20CHAPTER 2: VEHICLE MAlNTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS2 - 1 6 . 1 M E C H A N I C A L T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G - C o n t i n u e dF U E L , A I R I N T A K E , A N D E X H A U S T S Y S T E M S - C o n t i n u e dG Remove left- and center-front air inlet grilles (seeparagraph 9-57). Have an assistant move manualfuel shutoff handle in and out. If manual fuel shutofflinkage on front of engine does not move, replacefuel shutoff control cable assembly (see paragraph 4-11). If manual fuel shutoff linkage on front of enginemoves, do the following: Remove engine deck (seeparagraph 9-51). Remove forward engine cooling fan(see paragraph 5-2). While assistant moves manualfuel shutoff handle in and out, observe manual fuelshutoff lever on side of fuel injector pump formovement. If manual fuel shutoff lever does notmove, replace manual fuel shutoff lever (seeparagraph 4-11).HOpen exhaust deflector doors and inside deck doors.Check exhaust outlets and exhaust pipes for damageand restrictions. Remove any restrictions. Repair orreplace damaged parts.IInspect air intake hoses and tubes for damage andrestrictions. Remove any restrictions. Repair orreplace damaged parts.JRemove left- and center-front air inlet grilles (seeparagraph 9-57). Have assistant move acceleratorpedal to full throttle position. Observe throttlelinkage on front of engine. If throttle linkage doesnot have full travel, adjust throttle linkage (seeparagraph 9-79).KCheck fuel return line (see paragraph 4-6) on front ofengine for proper connection.LWith MASTER switch and m-tank fuel pump switchin ON position, electric fuel pump will make a noise.If there is no noise, troubleshoot electric fuel pumpcircuit (see paragraph 2-19). If there is a noise,perform the following fuel flow test. Disconnect fueltank supply hose at engine primary fuel filter.Remove quick-disconnect. Place a 5-gal (19-L)container in a suitable position to collect fuel fromhose. Turn MASTER and m-tank fuel pump switchesto ON position. Time fuel flow into container. Ifthere is no fuel flow or fuel flow is less than 3 gpm(11 Lpm), inspect fuel lines for restrictions. If there isno fuel line restriction, replace electric fuel pump(see paragraph 4-3).2-40.6Change 1
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