TM 9-2350-256-20CHAPTER 2: VEHICLE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTlONS2 - 1 6 . 1 M E C H A N I C A L T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G - C o n t i n u e dE N G I N E - C o n t i n u e dI Loosen air bleeder valve on top of fuel/waterseparator. With MASTER and fuel pump switches inON position, crank engine. If there is no fuel flowfrom air bleeder valve, replace outer fuel/waterseparator elements (see paragraph 4-15). If there isfuel flow, go to step L.JDisconnect fuel line connecting fuel/water separatorand engine at elbow, on left front engine shroud.Position suitable container to catch fuel from fuelline. With MASTER and fuel pump switches in ONposition, crank engine. If no fuel flows from line,replace final filter in fuel/water separator element(see paragraph 4-15). If engine fails to start, notifyDirect Support Maintenance.K Check fire extinguisher engine shutoff switch forproper adjustment (see paragraph 10-6 for removingmanual interlock systems). Verify that fireextinguisher engine shutoff activated light is lit.L Place transmission shift lever in neutral position.Open rear grill doors and position yourself byexhaust pipe outlet. Have assistant place MASTERswitch in on position and press manifold heaterswitch. If electrical portion of manifold heater isworking, a sparking sound will be heard at eachexhaust pipe outlet. If no sound is heard,troubleshoot engine starter circuit (see paragraph 2-19).M Turn MASTER and fuel pump switches to ONposition. Operate purge pump. If little or noresistance is felt or excessive force is required duringoperation or purge pump cannot be operated,perform the following procedures. Turn MASTERswitch to OFF position. Remove fuel line connectedto in port on purge pump. Place fuel line in asuitable container and turn MASTER switch to onposition. If no fuel flows from line, perform fuel flowtest (see step F). If fuel flows into the container, placeMASTER switch in OFF position and connect fuellime. Disconnect fuel line from out side of purgepump. Place a suitable container under purge pump.Place MASTER switch in on position and operatepurge pump. If fuel flows from out port, connectfuel line. If no fuel flows from purge pump orhandle still will not move, repair/replace purgepump (see paragraph 4-9). Disconnect fuel filler inlet2-40.2Change 1
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