SECTION V: TROUBLESHOOTING TM 9-2350-256-20tube between main fuel check valve and manifoldfuel filter. Turn MASTER and fuel pump switches toON position. Press starter button and operate purgepump. If handle was excessively hard to operate orcould not be operated previously and can now beoperated,replace main fuel check value (seeparagraph 4-13). Disconnect left intake manifoldtube at tee on manifold heater fuel inlet solenoidvalve. With MASTER and fuel pump switches in ONposition, press preheat and starter buttons whileoperating purge pump. If no fuel flows from tee,install new manifold preheater fuel filter (seeparagraph 4-18).N Operate pump with MASTER and fuel pump in ONposition. Press preheat and starter buttons. Ii fuelfails to flow, troubleshoot manifold preheater circuit(see paragraph 2-19).O Remove engine deck (see paragraph 9-51) and bothplastic tubes at manifold heater nozzles. With anassistant to watch both tube ends, turn MASTER andfuel pump switches to ON position. Press starter andpreheater buttons while operating purge pump. Ifno fuel flows from one or both tubes, replacedefective tubes (see paragraph 4-23). If fuel flowsfrom both tubes, disconnect manifold heater returntube (see paragraph 4-23). Inspect manifold heaterfor damaged threads or plugged orifice. Replacemanifold heater if threads are damaged (seeparagraph 4-21).Dry-cleaning solvent used to clean parts ispotentially dangerous to personnel andproperty. Do not use near open flame orexcessive heat. Flash point of solvent is138°F (59°C).If orifice is plugged, soak nozzle in dry-cleaningsolvent (Appendix D, item 9). Using a fine wire,clean o r i f i c e o p e n i n g . I n s p e c t f i l t e r s f o rcontamination or damage. Clean or replace filters(see paragraph 4-18). Assemble in reverse order ofdisassembly. Install manifold heater nozzleassembly and tighten jamnut. Connect manifoldheater fuel inlet hose and fuel return tube.P Perform battery serviceability test (see paragraph 2-19). Recharge or replace low batteries (see paragraph63).Change 1 2-40.3
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