SECTlON V: TROUBLESHOOTlNG TM 9-2350-256-20M Remove fuel/water separator filter bleeder valve.Install a pressure gage (minimum of 100 psi) infuel/water separator filter cover bleeder valveopening. Turn MASTER and in-tank fuel pumpswitches to ON position. Start engine and operate athigh-idle speed (1800-2400 rpm). Pressure shouldread 55-60 psi (379313 kPa). If fuel pressure is lessthan 55 psi (379 kPa), clean filter and replaceprimary fuel filter element (see paragraph 4-15).Turn MASTER and in-tank fuel pump switches toON position. Start engine and operate at high-idlespeed (1800-2400 rpm). If fuel pressure is less than55 psi (379 kPa), replace mechanical (gear type) fuelpump (see paragraph 4-5).If fuel pressure is less than 55 psi (379 kPa), replaceall three fuel/water separator elements (seeparagraph 4-15).N With engine not running, open rear exhaust doorsand observe engine deck liner for wet spots. If wetspots can be seen on engine deck liner, removeengine deck (see paragraph 9-51). Remove front andrear cooling fan (see paragraph 5-2). Loosen andtighten fuel line fittings that show evidence ofleaking. If leakage persists, notify Direct SupportMaintenance. If no wet spots are found on enginedeck liner, remove left- and center-front air inletgrilles (see paragraph 9-57) and check for fuel leaks.Tighten, repair, or replace fuel lines or componentsleaking fuel. Check for proper operation offuel/water separator automatic drain system (seeparagraph 4-17). If leaking and/or excessive fuelconsumption persists, notify Direct SupportMaintenance.O I L C O O L I N G S Y S T E MSYMPTOMSLow engine oil pressure, engine oil temperature Engine oil consumption excessive.normal. Do step F.Do steps A through D.High engine oil temperature.High engine oil pressure, engine oil temperature Do steps G through K.normal.Do steps A through E.A Check to see that proper grade of oil for prevailingtemperature is used in engine. If improper gradewas used, refill with proper grade of oil (refer to TM9-2350-256-10).Change 1 2-40.7
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