CHAPTER 6: MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AND CIRCUITS TM 9-2350-256-206-88 REPLACE/REPAIR HYDRAULIC OIL TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERHOUSING ASSEMBLY WIRING HARNESS (11672366)--Continueda. REMOVAL1 Remove connector (1) and gasket (4) from cover(5) by removing four screws (6) and fourlockwashers (7).2 Unscrew cap (8) disconnect connector (2) fromhydraulic oil temperature transmitter (9).3 Disconnect connector (3) from hydraulic oil hightemperature switch (10).b. DISASSEMBLYDisassemble wiring harness (see Chapter 6, SectionVII).c. ASSEMBLYAssemble wiring harness (see Chapter 6, Section VII).d. INSTALLATION1 Connect connector (3) to hydraulic oil high temperature switch (10).2 Connect connector (2) to hydraulic oil temperature transmitter (9) and install cap (8).3 Install connector (1) and new gasket (4) to cover (5) using four new lockwashers (7) and four screws (6).NOTEFollow-on maintenance: Install oil temperature transmitter and switch housing assembly(see paragraph 12-10)6-89 REPLACE/REPAIR DIODE LEAD ASSEMBLY (12322604)THIS TASK COVERSa. Removalb. Disassemblyc. Assemblyd. InstallationINITIAL SET-UPTools:Parts:Tool kit, general mechanic's (Appendix C, item 53)Lockwashers (2) (Appendix G, item 114)Soldering gun (Appendix C, item 19)WARNINGBe certain MASTER switch is OFF when working on electrical systems to avoid electrical shock and bums.Connector No.Electrical Lead To:Wire No.1GroundGND2Fire extinguisher engine shutoff light54R6-236
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