TM 9-2350-256-34-13-15.Inspection, Test and Repaira.Inspect tank for cleanliness. Repeat cleaningprocedures (para. 3-14) if necessary.b.Inspect tank for any obvious cracks or openseams. Inspect mounting brackets, mounts andcushions for cracks or breaks. Weld assembly andcomponents as required.c.Inspect tank inlets and outlets for thread damageand repair with a thread chaser as required.d.Test for leaks as follows:(1)Close all openings with temporary plugs orother closures and apply 3-4 psi internal air pressure.(2)Apply soapy water solution, consisting ofliquid soap diluted with 20-40 % water, to all exteriorsurfaces of tank and inspect for air bubble formation.(3)Mark location of any bubble formation,rinse and dry tank and weld the marked areas (TM 9-237).e.Repeat step d.3-16.AssemblyThe electric pump and other fittings and accessoriesmay be assembled on the tanks either before or afterinstallation of the tanks in the vehicle. Refer toparagraph 3-13. Refer to TM 9-2350-256-20 forinstallation instructions.Section IV. REPAIR OF ELECTRIC FUEL PUMP3-17.DescriptionThe fuel pump is located in the forward fuel tank sumpcavity and is a centrifugal pusher-type pump designed forsubmerged operation. It operates by power from a 24-volt dc motor contained in the pump assembly.3-18.Removal.Remove and install the fuel pump according toinstructions found in TM 9-2350-256-20.3-19.Disassembly.Disassemble the electric fuel pump as shown in figure 3-6. Refer to TM 9-2350-256-20 for disassemblyinstructions for the terminal assembly.3-10 CHANGE 7
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