Legend for fig. 3-5:3 Rod (with ends)1 Bearing4 Jamnut2 Jamnut5 Bearing (left hand thread)3-7. Cleaning and Inspectiona. Clearning.(1) Wash hoses and harnesses in a mild soapsolution, rinse with clean water and dry withcompressed air.(2) Clean all metal parts with drycleaningsolvent or mineral spirits paint thinner. Use a wirebrush where necessary and dry with compressed air.b. Inspection.(1) Inspect engine, transmission, wiringharness and all accessories for breaks, leaks,damage, excessive wear, missing parts or un-serviceable condition.(2) Check the following for the transmission oilbreather tube (fig. 3-4) and lockup control linkagerod (fig. 3-5):(a) Rods and rod ends for cracks or distor-tion.(b) Leading edge of sleeve (1, fig. 3-4) shouldbe at least 1/8 inch from end of tube and close toor touching tube.(c) Back of sleeve (1, fig. 3-4) should be incontact with tube.(d) Sleeve (1, fig. 3-4) for evidence of wearand distortion.(e) Hose (6, fig. 3-4) for fraying, cracks orexcessive wear.TM 9-2350-256-34-1(f) Clamps, connecting and pivot parts forexcessive wear.(g) Threaded parts for moss threading andnicks.3-8. Repair or Replacementa. Refer to TM 9-2815-220-34 for engine repair orTM 9-2520-215-34 for transmission repair. If theengine or transmission is to be replaced, record theaction on DA Form 2408.10, Equipment ComponentRegister.b. Refer to TM 9-2350-256-20 for instructions onrepairing the main engine wiring harness and cables.c. Refer to TM 9-2350-256-20 for instructions onrepairing the main engine and transmission ac-cessories removed for powerplant inspection orreplacement.d. Replace all defective parts on the transmissionoil breather tube and lockup control linkage rodassemblies, If any one of the rods or sleeves (fig. 3-4and 3-5) is defective, replace the entire assembly.3-9. Assemblya. Rejoin the main engine and transmission (TM9-2350-256-20) .b. Assemble all items removed from thepowerplant, Install the accessories and wiringharness and cables in reverse order of removal.3-10. InstallationRefer to TM 9-2350-256-20 for instructions oninstalling the powerplant in the vehicle.Section Ill. REPAIR OF FUEL TANKS3-11. DescriptionThe fuel tanks are of a welded steel construction. Theleft rear tank contains the filler cap and filterassembly. The right and forward tanks containliquid quantity sending units. The electric fuel pumpis housed in the forward tank.3-12. Removal(Refer to paragraphs 2-18, 2-19 and 2-44 for in-structions on removing the left rear, right rear andforward fuel tanks respectively.3-13. Disassemblya. Left Rear Fuel Tank. Remove the filler tubeand strainer (TM 9-2350-256-20) if they were notremoved prior to removal of the tank.b. Right Rear Fuel Tank. Remove the trans-mitter (TM 9-2350-256-20) if it was not removedprior to removal of the tank.c. Forward Fuel Tank. Remove the trans-mitter and electric fuel pump (TM 9-2350-256-20)if they were not removed prior to removal of thetank. Unscrew the magnetic drain plug from thebottom, clean it of all particles, inspect for threaddamage and replace on tank prior to cleaning tank.3-14. Cleaninga. General, When a tank is repaired for leaks it isnecessary to clean, inspect and test it. Coordinatethe following cleaning procedures with the inspectionand tests in paragraph 3-15. Clean other tankcomponents with drycleaning solvent or mineralspirits paint thinner and dry with compressed air.b. Procedure.(1) Slush tank interior with methylene chloride(pure) or chemical cleaner as specified in TB 750-1047, Elimination of Combustibles From Interiorsof Metal or Plastic Gasoline and Diesel FuelTanks, to remove residual fuel, dirt, sediment andforeign matter.(2) Drain and air dry. Reclean magnetic drainplug if necessary.3-9
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