TM 9-2350-256-34-1(6) Inspect threaded parts for nicks, mossthreading and excessive wear.(7) Inspect polarizing pin, terminal pinassembly, connector housing and pin assembly andfuse block for nicks, cracks, distortion and otherdam age that would impair their use.(8) Inspect other terminal assembly componentsfor tears, cracks, hardening and other damage thatwould impair their use.b. Repair.(1) Replace pump and electric cable assembly ifcontinuity check of cable shows it to be grounded orif there is any evidence of damage that would impairites use.(2) Repair dents or distortions. Weld cracks andbreaks in” metal parts where practical. Replacedefective parts if badly damaged.(3) Repair threaded parts with a thread chaser ifpractical or replace defective parts.(4) Replace any other defective parts.3-22. AssemblyAssemble electric fuel pump and mount assembly inreverse order of disassembly.3-23. TestsPrior to installation in the vehicle, test the electricfuel pump and mount assembly for performance asshown in figure 3-7.3-13
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