TM 9-2350-256-34-1Replace the complete burner as an assembly if theplate and bushing assembly is defective.(9) Heat exchanger (fig. 3-10.2).(a) Inspect the heat exchanger (15) for leaks,cracks, and carbon deposits. The interior of a unitwhich has been burning leaded gasoline will containa deposit of lead by-products. Clean the heat ex-changer as instructed in paragraph 3-34e.(b) Check for warping of inner passages, orbulging of the heater plate. Replace the heat ex-changer if warping or bulging is excessive, or if anypart is burned through.(c) Small cracks may be repaired by welding,provided they are accessible and the heat exchangeris otherwise in good condition. Do not attempt torepair large cracks, or to straighten a deformed heatexchanger.WARNINGCarefully inspect the heat exchanger, andrepair or replace it if damaged. Exhaustgases are directed through the heat ex-changer. These gases contain carbonmonoxide, a colorless, odorless, deadlypoisonous gas. Cracks or holes in the heatexchanger permit the exhaust gases to en-ter the heated compartment. This canresult in the serious illness or death ofpersonnel in the compartment. Nevertake chances with a defective heat ex-changer.(d) When welding cracks in the heat ex-changer, Type 310 weld rod is preferred, althoughType 349, 321, or 347 may be used. Before welding,it is very important to clean all combustion depositsaway from the area to be welded, since deposits inthe exchanger can contaminate the weld to such anextent that a tight weld is almost impossible. Keepweld beads as small as possible, preferably not over1/8 inch.(10) Miscellaneous heater parts (fig. 3-10.2).(a) Inspect the guard assembly (16) forcracks, dents, distortion, loose or defectivefasteners, and other damage; replace a damagedguard assembly.(b) Inspect the secondary blower housing (3)for cracks, distortion, loose weldments, and otherdamage; replace damaged parts.(c) Inspect the heater housing assembly (28)for cracks, dents, distortion, missing weld nuts,broken studs, broken weldments, and other damage;replace a damaged housing.3-36. Reassembly and Installationa. Reassembly of Air Control Assembly. Refer tofigure 3-10.1 and reassemble the air control assem-bly.b. Personnel Heater Components.(1) Fuel control valve reassembly (fig. 3-10.4).(a) Install the elbow (11) on the valve body(18), and position it as shown in figure 3-10.8).(b) If the thermostat (17, fig. 3-10.4) wasremoved, position it on the valve body and securewith two screws (15). Install the wire (14), makingsure the insulator (12) and insulating sleeve (13) arein place before soldering the wire to the heater andthermostat terminals. Solder the cable assembly(16) to the other thermostat terminal.(c) Install seal (36) on plunger (35) and insertvalve spring (26) in the plunger assembly. Insertassembled spring and plunger into sleeve and coreassembly (28). Position gasket (27) and sleeve andcore assembly (28) on valve body, and installsolenoid cup (29) with three screws (33) to retainpart. Repeat to install plunger assembly (34) onother side.(d) Screw valve core (19) in valve body. Installnew preformed packing (25) in recess in valve body.Install diaphragm assembly (24) and diaphragm cap(23). Fasten with four screws (20). Insert diaphragmspring (22) in adjusting screw (21) and install partsin diaphragm cap.CAUTIONDo not attempt to replace the valve core(19) with an automobile tire valve core.Despite their similarity of appearance, atire valve has not been designed for usewith the fuels used in this heater, and willdeteriorate rapidly if installed in the fuelcontrol valve instead of valve core fur-nished for the fuel control valve.(e) Install three small preformed packings (9)into recesses in valve body. Set restriction orificeplate (8) and 3-hole plate (7) in place and installpreformed packing (6). Install insulator plate (5) andouter plate (4) and fasten with three screws (3).(f) Install washer (30) and coil assembly (31)in restriction solenoid cup and fasten with screw(32). Repeat with the coil assembly (10) in the shut-off solenoid cup. See fig. 3-10.8 for proper orien-tation of these coils in the valve body.3-18.16Change 2
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