TM 9-2350-256-34-13. Energize the power supply and turn onswitch A. Adjust power supply to read 24 volts atV,.4. Ground the voltage limiter on testthrough its mounting bracket. Clip switch B to theflag terminal.5. Turn on switch B and observe thevolage on meter V2. The voltage must be 10.5 voltsminimum to 11.5 volts maximum.NOTEThe voltage limiter must act instantly tocontrol the voltage at meter V2 and mustremain steady at the control point. If theunit is left energized for longer than 60seconds, a further decline in controlvoltage may be observed. This is notcause for rejection.6. If the voltage does not fall withinspecifications, or if control is erratic or intermitent,voltage limiter must be replaced.7. Turn off power supply and switches Aand B. Remove voltage limiter from test equipmentand install voltage limiter at reassembly.(e) Test diode assembly as follows:1. Identify the three diode assembly leads:a. Lead marked 4 with connects to ter-minal 4 on terminal strip mounted on electrical inletassembly.b. Lead marked GRD which connects tomotor housing to ground the diode assembly.c. Unmarked lead which connects to oneside of resistor.2. Use an ohmmeter or ohms test functionof a multitester. Touch one test probe to the ter-minal on the diode assembly. Touch the other testprobe to the No. 4 lead terminal. Note the meterreading. Reverse the polarity of the test probes andnote the meter reading. Resistance must be veryhigh with one polarity and zero or very low with theother polarity.3. Repeat this test with the unmarked lead.Results must be the same.4. To test the ground diode, touch one testlead to the mounting leg of the diode assembly.Touch the other test probe to the GRD lead ter-minal. Note the meter reading. Reverse the polarityof the test probes and note the meter reading.Resistance must be very high with one polarity andzero or very low with the other polarity.5. If readings are high or low in both direc-tions for one or more of the diode assembly leads,replace the entire diode assembly. Diodes are notserviceable individually.(2) Electrical inlet assembly (fig. 2-10.2). In-spect the electrical inlet assembly (36) for cracks,damaged connector, chipped or broken terminalstrip,missing screws, and defective fasteners;replace a defective electrical inlet assembly.(3) Igniter (fig. 3-10.2)(a) With the igniter leads still connected tothe ignition control and ground, reconnect the elec-trical cable to the receptacle and disconnect the fuelshutoff solenoid lead from terminal 30 on theoverheat switch (to shut off fuel and avoid floodingthe burner), then move the control switch to STARTand hold it until igniter element glows.CAUTIONIf the igniter has been removed from theheater it must be tested at 10 volts orless. Voltage in excess of 10 volts willdestroy the igniter in a short time.(b) Carefully examine the glowing igniter. Anigniter which has hot spots, uneven coil spacing, andhot and cool coils, has deteriorated significantlyfrom its origiaal condition and should be replaced.(c) Ignition wick inspection.1. With the igniter removed, look into theigniter tube and inspect the condition of the ignitionwick (5, fig. 3–10.5) using a flashlight if necessary.The wick should be dry, unbroken, and white ornearly white. The strands should be about 1/16 inchthick.2. If the strands are thin or broken, removethe burner assembly as described in paragraph3-33c(8) and repair or replace the burner.3. If the wick is wet, the burner is flooded.Disconnect the shutoff solenoid lead at terminal 30on the overheat switch. Reinstall the igniter andhold the control switch in the START position forseveral minutes. A white, smoke-like fuel vapor willflow from the exhaust until the heater lights. Whenthe heater lights, reconnect the shut-off solenoidlead to terminal 30.(4) Flame detector switch (fig. 3-10.7).Change 23-18.13
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