TM 9-2350-256-34-1paragraph 3-33c(4) and remove this switch h-emheater.(1) Next, remove the adjusting screw and pivotthe microswitch on its bracket to provide access tothe ceramic rod. Invert the flame detector switchassembly and remove the ceramic rod.(2) With the switch assembly inverted, rap onthe side of the tube with a screwdriver blade to jarloose oxides and dirt. Continue rapping until nomore oxides fall out of the tube.h. To clean the overheat switch, refer toparagraph 3-33c(5) and remove this switch.(1) Clean the points by sliding a piece of cleanwhite bond paper between them. Use a soft bristlebrush to brush off loose dust and dirt.CAUTIONDo not use sandpaper, emery cloth, orother abrasive material to clean switchpoints.i. Clean all electrical components and nonmetallicparts with a clean cloth. Remove greasy and gummydeposits with cleaning solvent. Clean all metallicparts with a cloth dampened with solvent.13-35. Inspection and Repaira. Air Control Assembly, Deflector, and ExteriorComponents.(1) Inspection(a) Inspect air inlet hose for fraying, cracksand other signs of excessive wear.(b) Inspect heater for any damage that wouldimpair its use.(c) Inspect fuel filter for leaks, cracks, andother damage that would impair its use.(d) Inspect copper tubing for cracks, dents,obstruction and other signs of excessive wear.(e) Inspect seals for cracks, tears, hardeningand other signs of excessive wear.(f) Inspect threaded parts for nicks and crossthreading.(g) Inspect saddles on bulkhead for cracks,breakage, and other signs of excessive wear.(h) Inspect all metal parts for cracks distor-tion, open weld seams and other damage that wouldimpair its use.(2) Repair.(a) Repair damaged threads with a threadchaser, if practical, or replace threaded parts thatare defective.(b) Weld open seams and other damagedareas of metal parts if practical (TM 9-237). Replacedefective metal parts not repairable by welding.(c) Replace all other defective parts.b. Personnel Heater Components.(1) Blower assembly (fig. 3-10.3).(a) Inspect blower wheels for cracks, distor-tion, and bent or broken blades. Replace if damaged.(b) Inspect all wiring for broken or burned in-sulation, damaged terminals, or broken wires.Replace damaged wiring.(c) Test the resistor for continuity, and in-spect the ceramic insulator for cracks, burned areasand other damage. Replace the resistor if it is opencircuited or damaged.(d) Inspect the voltage limiter for cracks,distortion, signs of overheated components, or otherdamage, Replace if defective. Test the voltagelimiter as follows:1. The following test equipment is required:a. 24 volt dc power supply, 5 ampereminimum capacity.b. Two on-off switches.c. Two resistors, 50 watt minimum, one 6ohm and one 10 ohm.d. Two 0 to 30 volt dc voltmeters.NOTEThe voltage limiter can be tested while itis still installed in the assembled heater.Just make sure that the heater housing isconnected to the same ground as themeters and resistor, and perform the testas described below.2. Connect test equipment as shown in testschematic, figure 3-10.6.Change 23-18.11
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