TM 9-2350-256-34-11 Remove six nuts (1 and 2) and flatwashers (3) from studs on burner cup and studassembly (14). Remove burner cup from plate andbushing assembly (6).2 Remove screw (13) and pull off fuelvaporizer shield (12), and washers (10 and 11).Detach yarn wick (5) from with support in plate andbushing assembly (4). Remove fuel vaporizer (9),retaining washer (8), notched washer (6), slottedwasher (7), and second notched washer (6).(9) Heat exchanger (fig. 3-10.2).(a) If the heat exchanger (15) is beingremoved for heater overhaul, remove the followingcomponents to facilitate cleaning of the heaterhousing:1 Ignition control ((7) above. )2 Fuel control valve ((6) above).3 Overheat switch ((5) above).4 Electrical inlet assembly ((2) above).(b) Remove burner assembly ((8) above.(c) Remove the flame detector switch ((4)above).(d) Disconnect ground lead assembly (12, fig.3-10.2) from heat exchanger (15) by removing at-taching screw (11).(e) Remove four screws (34) holding togetherthe seam of the heater housing (28). Spread heaterhousing and slide out heat exchanger (15).(f) Remove the ground lead (12) from theheater housing (28) by removing the nut (14) andlockwasher ( 13).(g) If the grommet (33) is worn or damaged,remove it from the heater housing.3-34. CleaningWARNINGBe careful when using cleaning solutionsand solvents. Do not expose skin tosolvents or inhale their vapors. Manycleaning agents are toxic, and contactwith them or their vapors may causeillness or death. Wear protective clothingand devices, and ensure adequate ven-tilation while using cleaning agents.a. Clean dirt and foreign matter from all exteriormetal parts with drycleaning solvent or mineralspirits paint thinner and dry with compressed air.b. Clean air inlet hose and rubber seals in a mildsoap solution, rinse and dry.c. Clean the fuel filter in the inlet line to preventthe collection of moisture and the formation of iceduring cold weather. Follow the manufacturer’srecommendations.CAUTIONDo not attempt to operate the heaterwithout a fuel filter, or with the fuel filter3-18.10Change 2element removed. The filter elementprevents the entry of dirt, ice crystals,wax, and other contaminants which caneasily plug the tiny orifices in the fuelcontrol valve.d. Clean blower housing, ventilating blowerwheel, combustion blower wheel, secondary blowercover assembly, motor mounting brackets, and ex-terior of motor with a cloth dampened with cleaningsolvent.e. Clean the burner and heat exchanger. The bur-ner has been designed to eliminate excessive buildupof carbon and other deposits within the combustionchamber. However, buildup can occur underunusual operating conditions or if other componentsare malfunctioning. A minor carbon buildup may beremoved by operating the heater at near maximumvoltabe and restricting outlet airflow to maintainthe temperature of the heat exchanger at or near anoverheat condition. The operate the heater on LOlong enough to permit the excess combustion air toburn out soot and carbon. Repeat this cycle severaltimes.(1) If this procedure faills to clean the heat ex-changer enough to restore performance, or if theburner or heat exchanger require further service,remove the heat exchanger as described inparagraph 3-33c(9), and then remove as much ofthis deposit as possible, using a flexible scraper.Remove combustion residue from inside heat ex-changer by soaking this assembly in a 20 percent byweight solution of ammonium acetate at a tem-perature of 1800 F., for a period of 5 to 10 hours.Flush out exchanger with water after cleaning, anddry with compressed air.(2) For units which have been burning othertypes of fuel, such as diesel fuel, JP-4, etc., watershould be used to flush the heat exchanger. Usecompressed air to dry the inside of the heat ex-changer and remove all traces of water before heatexchanger is reinstalled in the heater.f. Wipe all non-metallic parts of fuel control valvewith a clean, dry cloth. Clean metallic parts exceptthe orifice plate with a cloth dampened withcleaning solvent. Take care not to saturate electricalwindings or insulation with solvent. Dry all partsthoroughly. Clean orifice plate holes and orificeplate with solvent and compressed air. Inspect forcleanliness with a magnifier.CAUTIONDo not force any tool or object throughthe orifice plate openings. The slightestdistortion in these calibrated holes willchange the factory calibratedflow.g. To clean the flame detectorrate of fuelswitch, refer to
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