TM 9-2350-256-34-1WARNINGDo not attempt to disassembly or repairfuel control valve unless facilities areavailable to conduct the flow testdescribed in paragraph 3-36b(1)(h). Animproperly calibrated valve can cause ‘ex-cessive fuel to build up in and around theheater assembly, creating a fire hazard.a. Remove mounting bracket (2) byremoving four screws (1) that secure it to the valvebody (18).b. Remove three screws (3) and removethe outer plate (4), insulator plate (5), preformedpacking (6), 3-hole plate (7), and restriction orificeplate (8). Pull three small preformed packings (9) outof recesses in valve body.CAUTIONHandle the orifice plate with care. Do notdrop it. Do not force any object throughthe orifice plate openings. The slightestdistortion in the plate or orifices will in-terfere with proper operation of the fuelcontrol valve.c. Remove adjusting screw (21) andspring (22). Remove four screws (20) and removediaphragm cap (23), diaphragm assembly (24) andpreformed packing (25). Unscrew valve core (19) andremove it.d. Remove restriction solenoid and valveassembly by removing screw (32). Pull out coilassembly (31) and washer (30). Remove three screws(33) in bottom of solenoid cup (29). Remove solenoidcup and pull out sleeve and core assembly (28),gasket (27), valve spring (26), and plunger assembly(34). Remove valve seal (36) from bottom of plunger(35).e. Repeat d above to disassemble shut-offsolenoid and valve assembly, except pull out coilassembly (10) instead of coil assembly (31).f. Remove bleed valve stem (37) and inletscreen (38) and valve body (18).g. To remove thermostat, unsolder wire(14) from the electrical terminal on the valve body.Slide off the insulating sleeve (13) and the insulator(12). Remove two screws (15) that secure the ther-mostat (17) to valve body, and remove the ther-mostat. If the thermostat is being replaced, un-solder the cable assembly (16) from terminal on ther-mostat.h. Unscrew elbow (11) to remove it fromvalve body (18).(7) Ignition control (fig. 3-10.2).(a) Loosen the two Dzus fasteners whichsecure the guard assembly (16) to the top of theheater; remove the guard.(b) Cut the two cable assembly straps (37)which bundle the wires together. Disconnect theigniter lead and the voltage limiter lead from oneend of the ignition control (25). If necessary toprovide access to the wires, remove the fuel controlvalve ((6)(b) above).(c) Disconnect the ignition control lead fromone of the NO contacts on the flame detector switch(21). Remove the two screws (17) on the outer edge ofthe ignition control, and loosen the two remainingscrews. Pull off the ignition control.(8) Burner assembly (fig. 3-2).(a) Remove blower assembly ((1) above).(b) Loosen the two fasteners which secure theelectrical inlet assembly (36) to the heater housing(28), and swing it out of the way.(c) Remove the igniter (9) as described in (3)above. Remove the seal (35) from the top of theheater housing.(d) Remove the screw (4) which secures theigniter tube and bracket (8) to the secondary blowerhousing (3) and pull out the tube to remove it.(e) Disconnect fuel tube (5) by loosening com-pression nuts (6) at fuel control valve (26) and at bur-ner (10); pull out tube.(f) Slide secondary blower housing (3) out ofheat exchanger assembly (15).(g) Remove six screws (39) that secure theburner (10) to heat exchanger, and pull out burner.(h) Refer to figure 3-10.5 and disassemble theburner as follows:Legend for fig. 3-10.5:1234567891011121314NutNutWasherPlate and bushing assemblyYarn wickWasherWasherWasherFuel vaporizerWasherWasherFuel vaporizer shieldScrewBurner cup and stud assembly3-18.8Change 2
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