TM 9-2350-256-34-1nipple on the end of the bleed valve stem (37, fig.3-10.4) on the fuel control valve. Open the bleedvalve with a 1/4-inch wrench and turn the controlswitch to START.3 Let the system bleed until the fuel is freeof air bubbles. Tighten the bleed valve and shut offthe heater.NOTEThe fuel must flow past the shut-offsolenoid before it reaches the bleed valve.Therefore, the shut-off solenoid must beenergized to bleed the valve body.(b) Removal (fig. 3-10.2).1 Loosen the two Dzus fasteners whichsecure the guard assembly (16) to the top of theheater, and remove the guard.2 Disconnect the fuel supply line from theIN port on the fuel control valve (26), and plug theline to prevent excessive siphoning of fuel. Unscrewthe compression nut (6) and disconnect the fuel tube(5) from the control valve outlet elbow.3 Cut the two cable assembly straps (37)which bundle the wires together. Remove the con-trol valve leads 3 and 5 from the terminal strip onthe electrical inlet assembly (36); disconnect lead 30from the overheat switch (24).4 Remove the two screws (27) on one side ofthe control valve mounting bracket, and loosen thethird screw. Disengage the fuel tube from the elbowand pull off the fuel control valve.5 Refer to figure 3-10.4 and disassemblethe fuel control valve as follows:Change 23-18.5
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