TM 9-2350-256 -34-1
Ohmmeter shall read "0" ohms with no
hydraulic pressure applied. If ohmmeter
does not read 0, replace the pressure
switch and perform the test and adjustment
procedure on a new pressure switch.
(b) Actuate pump and slowly raise pressure
to 235 ± 3 psi while watching ohmmeter. The
pressure switch should open (ohmmeter reads in-
finity) at this pressure. If it does not or if it opens
before this pressure is reached, adjust the pressure
siwtch as instructed in paragraph 3-63(3).
(c) Slowly relieve pressure until switch closes
(ohmmeter reads 0). The pressure gage should
read 221 ± 8 psi at this point, If it does not, replace
switch and perform the test and adjustment
procedure on a new pressure switch.
(d) Again raise the pressure slowly to 235 ±
3 psi to check repeatability of switch. It should open
again at this pressure. If it does not, replace the
switch and perform the test and adjustment
procedure on a new pressure switch.
(e) Relieve pressure, disconnect test
equipment and install pressure switch (TM 9-2350-
256-20) .
(3) Adjustment. Refer to paragraph 3-63b(1)
and (2).
(a) Pressure switch has not opened when a
pressure of 235 ± 3 psi is reached.
1 Loosen switch setscrew and apply 235 psi
hydraulic pressure.
2 While maintaining pressure at 235 psi,
terclockwise until the ohmmeter reads infinity. If
switch cannot be adjusted in this manner, replace
switch and perform the complete test and ad-
justment procedure on a new pressure switch.
3 Test action of switch by performing steps
(c) and (d) of the test procedure above.
4 Tighten
switch setscrew,
pressure, disconnect test equipment and install
pressure switch (TM 9-2350-256-20).
(b) Pressure switch opens before a pressure of
235 ± 3 psi is reached.
1 Loosen switch setscrew and apply 235 psi
hydraulic pressure.
2 While maintaining pressure at 235 psi,
slowly turn switch adjustment screw clockwise until
ohmmeter reads 0. If the ohmmeter does not read
"0" when the adjustment screw is turned fully clock-
wise, replace switch and perform the complete test
and adjustment procedure on a new. switch.
3 Very slowly back off the adjustment
screw (turn counterclockwise) until the ohmmeter
reads infinity.
4 Test action of the switch by performing
steps (c) and (d) of the test procedure.
5 Tighten switch setscrew, relieve
disconnect test equipment and install
pressure switch (TM 9-2350-256-20).
3-64. Spade Subplate and Control Valve Assembly
a. Removal. Refer to paragraph 2-46f for removal
and installation instructions.
b. Repair. Refer to TM 9-2350 -256-34-2 for in-
spection and repair instructions.
3-65. Flow Regulating Subplate Assembly
a. Removal. Refer to paragraph 2-46h for removal
and installation instructions.
b. Repair. Refer to TM 9-2350 -256-34-2 for in-
spection and repair instructions.
3-66. Main Winch Motor
a. Removal. Refer to paragraph 2-26 for removal
and installation instructions.
b. Repair. Replace the motor if it is defective.
3-67. Hoist Winch Motor
a. Removal. Refer to paragraph 2-37 for removal
and installation instructions.
b. Repair. Replace the motor if it is defective.
3-68. Boom and Stayline Actuating Cylinder
Assemblies and Stayline Actuating Cylinder Crank
a. Removal. Refer to paragraph 2-29 for removal
and installation instructions.
b. Repair. Replace cylinders and crank arms if
they are defective.
3-69. Main Hydraulic Pump Unloading Valve
a. Removal. Refer to paragraph 2-34 for removal
and installation instructions.
b. Repair. Replace the valve if it is defective.
3-70. Hoist Winch Counterbalance Valve
a. Removal. Refer to paragraph 2-36 for removal
and installation instructions.
b. Repair. Replace the valve if it is defective.
3-71. Main Winch and Hoist Winch Brake Cylinders
a. Removal, Refer to paragraph 2-38 for removal
and installation instructions.
b. Repair. Replace the cylinders if they are
3-72. Hydraulic System Oil Filter
a. Removal. Refer to paragraph 2-41 for removal
and installation instructions.
b. Repair. Replace the filter if it is unserviceable.
3-73. Hydraulic Oil Tank Strainer (Filter )
a. Removal. Refer to paragraph 2-42 for removal
and installation instructions.