TM 9-2350-256-34-1
c. Cleaning. Clean brake band and brake drum
surfaces with drycleaning solvent or mineral spirits
paint thinner.
d. Inspection. Inspect the brake lining for wear
and damage.
e. Repair. Replace worn or unserviceable brake
linings or bands.
f. Assembly. Assemble the brake band assembly
in reverse order of disassembly. Use new rivets (19
for each assembly) to hold the brake lining to the
3-61. Hydraulic System Oil Tank Assembly
a. Removal. Refer to paragraph 2-40 for removal
and installation instructions.
b. Repair. Refer to TM 9-2350-256-34-2 for in-
spection and repair instructions.
3-62. Hydraulic Oil Tank Cover Assemblies and
Suction Pipe
a. Removal. Refer to paragraph 2-43 for removal
and installation instructions.
b. Repair. Refer to TM 9-2350-256-34-2 for in-
spection and repair instructions. Replace the suction
pipe if defective.
3-63. Pressure Switch
a. Removal. Refer to TM 9-2350-256-20 for
removal and installation instructions.
b. Tests and Adjustments.
(1) General. The switch should open when
hydraulic pressure of 235 A 3 psi is applied and
should close when the pressure drops to ap
proximately 221 ± 8 psi. Paragraphs 3-63b(2) and
(3) contain instructions for testing and adjusting the
pressure switch.
(2) Test.
(a) Connect the pressure switch to the porta-
power pump and pressure gage and connect an ohm-
meter to the two electrical leads on the pressure
switch as shown in figure 3-25.
Legend for fig. 3-25:
1 Pressure gage (7950330)
2 Ohmmeter
3 Pressure switch
4 Tee fitting
5 Ports-power pump