TM 9--2350--292--20--10092 00--3MAIN WINCH CREEPS WITH CONTROL IN NEUTRAL -- CONTINUED0092 00Dnoyes1. Remove hydraulic control valve manifoldassembly shields (WP 0519 00).2. Install 0--4000 psi testing gauge assembly and1/4--inch tee between port PMO of hydrauliccontrol valve manifold assembly and attachinghose.3. Install 0--4000 psi testing gauge assembly and1/4--inch tee between port PMI of hydrauliccontrol valve manifold assembly and attachinghose.4. Start main engine, energize hydraulics, and setengine speed to 1800 rpm(TM 9--2350--292--10). Record gaugepressures.5. Shut down hydraulics and main engine(TM 9--2350--292--10).EnoyesInspect pilot valves and hoses from ports PMO andPMI of hydraulic control valve manifold assembly tohoist and main winch directional control valveassembly ports PMO and PMI and return line fromtee between main winch safety level valves toreservoir for restrictions and damage.Remove restrictions. Ifrestrictions cannot be removed,or if hoses are damaged, replace(WP 0573 00). Verify fault iscorrected.Are all hoses free of restrictions and damage?Notify Direct SupportMaintenance.Are both pressures less than 50 psi?CONTINUEDFROMSTEPSBANDCFault corrected.FORWARDFORWARDWARNINGCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
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