TM 9--2350--292--20--10092 00--4MAIN WINCH CREEPS WITH CONTROL IN NEUTRAL -- CONTINUED0092 00F1. Start main engine, energize hydraulics, andset engine speed to 1800 rpm(TM 9--2350--292--10).2. Start Enhanced Diagnostics Program(WP 0086 00) and select correspondingsymptom.3. Observe pressures at ports PMO and PMI ofmain and hoist winch directional control valveassembly.Gnoyes1. Record pressures at ports CH4, test portand inhaul port.2. Shut down hydraulics and main engine(TM 9--2350--292--10).Replace hoist and main winchdirectional control valveassembly (WP 0556 00). Verifyfault is corrected.Are pressure readings 140 psi or less?Are both pressures less than 50 psi?CONTINUEDFROMSTEPACONTINUED ON NEXT PAGEnoyesGo to Step H.
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