TM 9--2350--292--20--10097 00--17BOOM FAILS TO OPERATE OR OPERATES ROUGHLY -- CONTINUED0097 00AEIs pressure at shutoff valve PILOT port greater than 0but less than 60 psi?CONTINUED FROM STEP ADnoyesCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE1. Start main engine and energize hydraulicsystem (TM 9--2350--292--10).2. Place boom safety valve handle in STOWposition.3. Perform Step AD.4. Shut down hydraulics and main engine(TM 9--2350--292--10).Notify Direct SupportMaintenance.AFIf boom control handle is in RETRACT, is pressure at Ptest 1800--2300 psi, BL port 1575--1900 psi and BR portpressure 75 psi or less?1. If boom is stowed in travel lock place woodblocks between boom and hull forward of aircleaner inlets.2. Start main engine, set speed to 1800 rpm andenergize main hydraulics (TM9--2350--292--10).3. Place boom control handle in RETRACTposition (if boom is in live range place handleto FORWARD position).4. Record pressures at ports P TEST, BR and BLof hydraulic control valve manifold assembly.5. Shut down hydraulics and main engine(TM 9--2350--292--10).Is pressure boom shutoff valve at port A approxi-mately 440--625 psi?noyesNotify Direct SupportMaintenance.
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