TM 9--2350--292--20--10097 00--14BOOM FAILS TO OPERATE OR OPERATES ROUGHLY -- CONTINUED0097 00YAre boom components free of restrictions, damaged, ormissing parts?CONTINUED FROM STEP AnoyesCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGEInspect the boom, boom cylinder, stayline lever,and stayline cyliner pivot points for restricted,damaged or missing parts.Remove restrictions. Verify fault iscorrected. If parts are damaged ormissing, notify Direct SupportMaintenance.ZIs pressure 2300--2800 psi?noyes1. Start Enhanced Diagnostic System program (WP0086 00) and select corresponding symptom.2. Start the main engine and main hydraulics(TM 9--2350--292--10).3. Set engine rpm to 1800 and set spade controlhandle to RAISE position.4. Record pressure at P test port of the hydrauliccontrol valve manifold assembly.5. Shut down hydraulics and engine(TM 9--2350--292--10).Go to Step AC.FORWARD
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