TM 9--2350--292--20--10097 00--15BOOM FAILS TO OPERATE OR OPERATES ROUGHLY -- CONTINUED0097 00AAIs pressure 3900--4100 psi?CONTINUED FROM STEP ZnoyesCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE1. Remove auxiliary winch cover (WP 0513 00).2. Disconnect quick--disconnects at auxiliarywinch.3. Place auxiliary winch control handle in theINHAUL DETENT position.4. Perform Step Z steps 2 thru 5.Go to Step AC.ABAre hoses and valve free of damage and leaks?noyes1. Remove subfloor plates 10 and 20(WP 0454 00).2. Inspect load sense hose, from boom directionalcontrol valve to pressure hoses, check valveand center pump for leaks and damage.3. Shut down hydraulics and engine.Repair or replaceleaking and/or dam-aged hoses and valve(WP 0576 00). Verifyfault is corrected.Notify Direct SupportMaintenance.ACDoes boom fail in the stow range?CONTINUED FROM STEPS Z AND AAnoyes1. Start main engine and main hydraulics(TM 9--2350--292--10).2. Operate boom (TM 9--2350--292--10).3. Watch to identify what range boom fails in.Go to Step AO.FORWARD
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