TM 9--2350--292--20--10187 00--1120187 00PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES INCLUDINGLUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS -- CONTINUEDTABLE 3 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICESINCLUDING LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS, SEMIANNUALLY -- CONTINUEDITEMNO.NOT FULLYMISSIONCAPABLEIF:PROCEDURELOCATIONITEM TOCHECK/SERVICEINTERVALSEMIANNUALLYEXTERIOR25Sprocketsa. Inspect sprockets (1) for cracks andbreaks. Replace as required(WP 0397 00).b. Check sprocket teeth (2) for wear.Reverse or replace sprockets (1)(WP 0397 00) as required when any of thefollowing conditions exist:NOTEThere are two wear marks on eachdrive sprocket. To determine which isthe forward mark on each drivesprocket, move vehicle so that drivesprocket with wear marks is free oftrack assembly.Wear indicator contour must be vis-ible. Bottom of wear indicator indi-cates limit of wear allowed.(1) Check wear marks (3) on innerand outer drive sprockets (1).Any worn,loose,damaged ormissingcomponents.123FORWARDARMOR SKIRTSREMOVED FOR CLARITY
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