TM 9--2350--292--20--20403 00--3STEERING CONTROL LINKAGE (CREW COMPARTMENT) REPAIR --CONTINUED0403 00Removal--Continued11. Remove bearing housing (19) with bearing (21) from shaft (22).12. Remove screw (23) and lockwasher (24) from remote control lever (7). Discard lockwasher.13. Remove remote control lever (7) and key (25) from shaft (22).14. Remove screw (26) and lockwasher (27) from remote control lever (28), disconnect tube assembly (29) from re-mote control lever (28). Discard lockwasher.15. Remove screw (30) and lockwasher (31) from remote control lever (28). Discard lockwasher.16. Remove shaft (22), remote control lever (28) and key (32) from bearing (33).NOTEQuantity of flat washers may vary. Note quantity andlocation of flat washers removed to aid in installation.17. Remove two screws (34), two lockwashers (35), bearing housing (11) with bearing (33) and flat washers (36) frombulkheaDiscard lockwashers.Figure 1912172532262729283130242322111934353336
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