TM 9--2350--292--20--20404 00--1STEERING CONTROL LINKAGE (ENGINE COMPARTMENT) REPAIR0404 00THIS WORK PACKAGE COVERS:Removal, Disassembly, Assembly, InstallationINITIAL SETUP:Tools and Special ToolsGeneral mechanic’s tool kit (item 1, WP 0717 00)Retaining pliers set (item 15, WP 0717 00)Materials/PartsLockwashers (10) (item 2, WP 0718 00)Lockwasher (item 27, WP 0718 00)Lockwasher (item 9, WP 0718 00)Lockwasher (item 12, WP 0718 00)Retaining rings (2) (item 44, WP 0718 00)Adhesive (item 15, WP 0716 00)Welding electrodes (AR) (item 9, WP 0716 00)Dry--cleaning solvent (item 1, WP 0716 00)Equipment ConditionsVehicle parked on level ground with tracksblocked and parking brake set (TM 9--2350--292--10)Subfloor plates #19 and #24 removed (WP 0454 00)Battery trays removed (WP 0288 00)Left side air cleaner assembly removed (WP 0208 00)Engine deck assembly removed (WP 0417 00)Powerpack removed (WP 0188 00)Lubrication tubes disconnected and fittings removedfrom bell crank (WP 0409 00)ReferencesTM 9--2350--292--10NOTEThis task replaces the portion of the steering controllinkage found in the engine compartment. Perform onlythose steps necessary to replace the defective parts.Removal of the left side floor plates, left side air cleanerassembly and battery trays are required only forreplacement of the thru bulkhead linkage.Removal of the battery trays are required only forreplacement of the near bulkhead linkage.Removal of powerpack is required for replacement of bellcrank on mounting bracket near battery compartment.Removal of engine deck assembly is required only forreplacement of bell crank and linkage on mountingbracket near transmission.All levers, brackets and bell cranks are provided with a1/8 in. alignment hole to aid in the proper alignmentduring installation. Levers, brackets or bell cranks notbeing removed must be pinned before disconnectingcomponents.
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