TM 1-1680-320-13&P
0025 00
3. Remove retainer ring (1).
4. Install shim (2), of required thickness, to obtain an axial end play of 0.004 to 0.008 in. (0.010-0.020 cm).
5. Reinstall retaining ring (1) into drum assembly.
Binding is not allowed in the drum assembly. Binding will occur if over or under
6. Verify accuracy of shimming by rotating the drum assembly through one full cycle of travel.
7. If binding is detected repeat procedures 1 through 5.
8. Install drum assembly in accordance with WP 0024 00.
9. Install cable assembly in accordance with WP 0016 00.
10. Adjust limit switches in accordance with WP 0034 00.
End of Work Package
0025 00-4