ALTERNATOR10 Amp-Fuse Type10 AMP REGULATED ALTERNATORUsed on Model Series 320400This completely self-contained 10 ampere regulatedalternator uses both solid state rectifier and electronicregulating elements. It provides rapid charging andhandles extra electrical loads without overcharging thebattery. Its output rises from 4.2 amperes at 2000 RPMto 10 amperes at 3600 RPM. It uses less than 0.2horsepower.Fig. 220 - Alternator AssemblyCHECKING 10 AMP REGULATED ALTERNATORCondition Found (Fuse Blown)Check if battery polarity is correct. Negative (-) side ofbattery should be grounded to engine or frame; positive(+) side of battery to alternator output lead.If reversed, correct and put in new fuse.WHEN CHECKING THE ALTERNATORCOMPONENTS, MAKE THE TESTS IN THEFOLLOWING SEQUENCE:Condition Found (Fuse Blown)Disconnect charging lead from battery. Connect a DCammeter between charging lead and battery, as shownin Fig. 221.Fig. 221 - Testing for OutputStart engine and run at 3600 RPM. An ammeter readingof 10 amps or above indicates alternator is functioning.Check battery, cables, etc. If ammeter reading is lessthan 10 amps, stator or rectifier-regulator is defective.Testing StatorDisconnect plug from regulator-rectifier assembly. Startengine and run at 3600 RPM. Connect AC volt meter toAC terminals at stator plug. See Fig. 222. A meterreading above 20 volts indicates stator is good. A voltmeter reading less than 20 volts indicates stator isdefective. Check for shorted leads or obvious defects. Ifshorted leads are found, repair with electrical tape. Ifvisible defect is not found, replace stator.Fig. 222 - Testing Stator68
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