ALTERNATORTri-CircuitTESTING STATOR COILSWith multimeter, check continuity between ground leadto stator coil and output connector lead shown in Figure209. Meter should show continuity. If meter does notindicate continuity, replace stator.Fig. 209 - Checking ContinuityNext, be sure ground lead terminal is not touching agrounded surface. Check continuity from terminal toground. See Fig. 210.Meter should not show continuity. If meter indicatescontinuity, coils are grounded and defective. Examinelead to be sure the insulation is not -worn or cut. Repairwith tape and shellac if a bad spot is found. If ground stillexists, sator must be replaced.Fig. 210 - Checking for Grounded Wire inStator AssemblyCHECKING DIODESDisconnect charge lead from stator output lead. Using amultimeter set on resistance scale, check diodes byattaching one meter lead to connector pin. Touch theother meter lead to the white wire (light circuit diode),then reverse meter leads. Meter should show continuityin one direction only. Repeat this procedure for the redwire (battery charging diode). Meter should showcontinuity in one direction only. If meter shows continuityin both directions or does not show continuity in eitherdirection, the diode harness must be replaced. See Fig.211.Fig. 211 - Checking Diodes in Wire HarnessThe resistor that reduces battery charging current shouldalso be checked when testing alternator. See Fig. 212.An acceptable resistor should have approximately oneohm resistance. Also check to be certain the doublepole switch is operating properly. See Fig. 207.Fig. 212 - Checking Resistor and Switch65
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