ALTERNATOR4 Amp4 AMP NON-REGULATED ALTERNATORThe 4 ampere non-regulated alternator is entirely self-contained. It incorporates a solid state rectifier and afuse, and uses less than 0.2 horsepower.Fig. 198 - Alternator AssemblyCHECKING 4 AMP NON-REGULATED ALTERNATORCondition Found (Fuse Blown)Check if battery polarity is correct: Negative (-) side ofbattery should be grounded to engine or frame; positive(+) side of battery to alternator output lead. Figure 199.If reversed, correct and put in new fuse.WHEN CHECKING ALTERNATOR COMPONENTS,MAKE THE TESTS IN THE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE:Testing for Short in Stator or Rectifier Disconnectcharging lead from battery, and connect small test lampin series between battery positive terminal and fuse cap,as shown in Figure 200. DO NOT START ENGINE.Test lamp should not light. If it does light, stator orrectifier is defective. Unplug rectifier plug under blowerhousing. See Figure 201. If test light goes out, rectifieris shorted. If test light does not go out, stator is shorted.Fig. 200 - Testing for ShortsCondition Found (Battery Run Down)Fig. 199 - Typical Wiring Installation62
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