ALTERNATOR4 AmpFig. 201 - Rectifier PlugTesting StatorIf “short” test indicates stator is shorted, look for obviousshorts on leads. If bare leads are found, repair withfriction tape and shellac. If shorted leads are not visible,replace stator. Stator should also be checked forcontinuity as follows: Use VOA meter, set on resistancescale. Touch one test prod to lead at fuse holder. Touchother test prod to each of the four pins in plasticconnector. See Figure 202. Unless the meter showscontinuity at each of the four pins, .the stator winding isopen and the stator must be replaced.Fig. 202 - Testing StatorTesting RectifierAttached to the blower housing baffle is a small blackrectifier box. A lead from the box connects to a singlepin in the detachable plug. See Figure 201. Leave boxinstalled on blower housing. Test rectifier withmultimeter (using resistance scale) to check resistancefrom the pin to blower housing (in an unpainted cleanarea). See Figure 203. After checking pin, reversemeter leads and recheck. The meter should show areading in one direction only: If the rectifier pin shows ameter reading both ways, the rectifier is defective. If thepin shows no reading either way, the rectifier is againdefective.Fig. 203 - Testing RectifierTesting Alternator OutputInstall ammeter in series with charging lead, as in Figure204. Start engine. Ammeter should indicate charge.If ammeter shows no charge, and if rectifier has beentested, look for loose connections, broken or frayedwires, etc. If there is no visible fault, replace stator andre-test alternator output.Fig. 204 -- Testing Output63
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