ALTERNATOR10 Amp10 AMP REGULATED ALTERNATORThe 10 amp regulated alternator incorporates a systemin which the charging rate is regulated to the battery.The stator is located under the flywheel and is similar tothe Dual Circuit stator and Tri-Circuit stator.Fig. 213 - 10 Amp Alternator AssemblyThere are two leads from the stator, similar to the dualcircuit alternator, but of the same color. Fig. 213. Thecharge rate to the battery is 10 amps and less than 0.2horsepower is used to operate the system. In theregulator box assembly there are diode rectifiers andS.C.R. (Silicon Controlled Rectifiers) which convertalternating current to direct current for charging thebattery, and regulating the voltage.Fig. 214 - Typical Wiring InstallationCHECKING ALTERNATOR OUTPUTNOTE: There will be no charging output unless a 12 voltbattery with a minimum of 5 volts charge is connected tothe output side of the regulator. See Fig. 214.To check the 10 amp system, first make sure the batteryis at a minimum of 5 volts. With a VOA meter, check theamperage output of the regulator. Attach the meter inseries (see Fig. 215) on the positive side of the chargingcircuit. Start the engine and run at normal operatingRPM. If battery voltage is at its maximum the chargingcurrent will be less. An example would be if the batteryvoltage reads 14 volts, the amperage would probablyread less than 3 amps. If the battery voltage reads 10volts, the charge current will read approximately 10amps.Fig. 215 - Checking Output of 10 Amp RegulatorTESTING STATOR COILSWith a multimeter, check continuity of the statorwindings; this can be done by disconnecting the plugconnector. See Fig. 216. Use a VOA meter set on thelow ohm resistance scale. Touch one terminal with aprobe and the other terminal with the remaining probe.Continuity should be present. If no continuity is present,this would indicate an open in the stator windings.Remove flywheel and repair or replace stator. To checkfor a grounded stator winding, repeat the aboveprocedure, but attach one probe to ground, Fig. 217. Ifcontinuity is present, this would indicate a grounded or“shorted” stator winding.66
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