10 Amp
Fig. 216 - Testing Stator Coils for Continuity
Fig. 217 - Testing Stator Coil for Grounds
If there is no current flow on the DC output side of
regulator, check to insure the stator is functioning.
Disconnect the regulator to stator plug, Fig. 219. Attach
the leads from a #19236 VOA meter to the pins in the
stator plug. Start and run the engine at normal operating
speed (minimum 3200 RPM). The voltmeter should read
at least 17 volts (20 volts at 3600 RPM). If meter does
not show a reading, check the stator for an open or
ground condition, Fig. 217. If voltage is present, first
make sure there is continuity in the charging lead
(rectifier to battery wire), Fig. 218. If continuity exists,
replace the regulator.
Fig. 218 - Checking Continuity of
DC Output Lead to Battery
Fig. 219 - Checking Output Voltage (AC)
If battery seems to be in a state of overcharge (boiling
out of water), first check to ensure the battery is not
vibrating or shaking in the battery holder or case. If
battery seems secure, check battery voltage. If voltage
is more than 16 volts, it is being overcharged. This could
be either the fault of the battery which is due to a high
resistance or the regulator which is continually putting
current into the battery. If the battery is replaced and the
voltage still is above 16 volts, this would indicate the
regulator is at fault. Replace the regulator in that case.
If upon replacement of the battery the voltage stays
below 16 volts, this would indicate the battery was at