TM 5-4240-501-14PSYNCHRO-BALANCEOscillating CounterbalanceRemove counterweight from the shaft.Fig. 9 - Disassembling CounterweightASSEMBLYAssemble magneto side of counterweight to the magnetoside of the crankshaft. Hold the crankshaft andcounterweight in an upright position in a vise. Install bothdowel pins. Slip link over dowel pin with rounded edge offree end up. Fig. 10.NOTE:New style counterweight assemblies use onlyone (1) dowel pin, one (1) spacer, and one (1) bolt. Nolock is required. Torque to 115 in/lbs. (1.32 mkp or 13.0Nm).Fig. 10 - Assembling Counterweight to CrankshaftSlip PTO counterweight in place, aligning counterweightbearing to the eccentric of crankshaft and againstmagneto half of counterweight. Install spacers andtorque bolts to 80 inch-pounds (.9 mkp or 9.0 Nm). Bendup bolt locks and install crankshaft gear (and key onMODEL SERIES 171700). Gear is a slip fit - if tight, itmay be heated to expand by laying it on a light bulb.NOTE: Chamfer on inside diameter of gear must faceshoulder of crankshaft.Lay cylinder on its side with cylinder head to the left.Start magneto journal of crankshaft into the magnetobearing in the cylinder. Align the link with the crankcaselink pin and push crankshaft and counterweightassembly into place. Fig. 11.Fig. 11 - Installing Crankshaft and CounterweightAssemblyInstall connecting rod and piston with lubrication hole inrod toward magneto side. This will expose rod assemblymarks to view. Assemble the cap screws and screwlocks with dipper toward cam gear side. Torque screwsand bend up locks. Proceed to install tappets. camgear. etc.. in usual manner.Table No. 1Crankshaft Eccentric Reject SizesBasic Model SeriesEccentric‘InchMilllmeter171700 & 1917001.87047.50251700 & 2527002.12053.85Counterweight Bearing Reject SizesBasic Model SeriesCounterweight Bearing.InchMilllmeter171700 & 1917001.88147.78251700 & 2527002.13154.134
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